Me Before You - 2016
There is A small town girl captured between dead end jobs. A man becomes wheelchair. The man determines before lady is hired for half a year to be his caretaker that is brand new, his life isn't worth living. Trapped with circumstance and worlds, the two get off to a rocky start. However, your ex becomes determined to persuade this man that life is about living and since they embark on a series of adventures together, each finds their universe changing in ways neither of these may start to imagine.

Andres Bazan Jr.

Being paralyzed from the waist down. I went through something similar in the beginning. Not wanting anyone or any one female, and I had a few. I pushed them all a way. It was hard for me to accept what had happened to me. It's going on 13 years now. It's still a struggle.


whoever thumbs down this movie needs to see a therapist this was a great movie and I don't even like chick flicks it took everything in me not to cry 😭😢😭😭😭😭

Dat Guy

Good but sad movie and I love the way she dress she have a good sense of style and it matches her personality.


I never see this movie I said I wouldn't cry but I bald my eyes out 😭😭😭 why did you have to go and die 💀

Arthur Jones

To be loved and to love is a beautiful thing.

Kenny Webster

this movie is absolutely beautiful and amazing it made me feel emotions I've never felt before

Precious Curry

so sad wish they had a happy ending 😥

Jacqueline Brown

This movie is very good, but very sad at the ending. I wish he would have chosen to live to be with her.🥺😭

Milani Waddy

That bed bath comment cracks me up every time!


I can't imagine what it feels like to be paralyzed. Just as I can't imagine being in love with someone paralyzed that truly wants to end it all. However, this was beautifully written, and portrayed. I'm 100% in years right now. She made him smile, laugh and love through his pain.

Deborah Wright

I love this movie because he showed her how to live she never lived selfish she always put people before her but he showed her it's OK to put. Herself first and then people second.

Cathy Perine

Love it , I cried like a baby true love and compassion

Jaysiyah Evans

I love this movie made me cry

Sway Qumyintewa

this is a very beautiful movie I clapped and cried at the end I love it

Robin Hood

as a disabled person I just didn't like how they glorified suicide

Angela Bouler

I love this best channels every best place to watch movies on am going to invite all my family in friends


Seen clips of this on tiktok and had to watch it, so glad I did it was brilliant and a real tear jerker.

larae griffin

i love it but is good and sad

Scoobee's Alibi

Never Judge Your Fellow Man's Choices, Because You Never Know The Battles They Might Be Fighting.

Gem And fwhip

why it so sad I cried to much 🤧😭