Mission to Mars - 2000
A rescue mission is launched to detect their fate when contact is lost with all the crew of the first Mars trip.

amy siders

I believe (buy these are my own beliefs to each their own) down yo my very core That God is real & I am not a bible beater. But I have prayed to God since I.was a kid & times I needed his help he alway's comes through!! I know the devil exists can"t neieve in 1 without other!

Joe Joel

1toSabbath Fr13Oct2023 AmesIAUSA 1030 Θ Θ Θ · They try pushing the idea that there is no God. Yet: There is a Creator God, Jesus, who is coming back soon. Great movie. Θ Θ Θ 💚💚💚

Jeff Soule

love and helping to move life to the next step is what I see/feel. Hope, connection..love is all there is.

Paul LaRussa

It's amazing how easily most people would believe that something like this is how life came too be instead of the TRUTH that God is the creator of all life & only God...

Bobby Adair

This has been a favorite for me. Ever since I've seen it. To stand on a new world and look passed it to the Next. 🙏

Ruben Flores

this was an awesome movie

Johnny Talbert

good movie