Monsieur Batignole - 2002
In 1942, with his wife and kid, the apolitical grocer Edmond Batignole lives within an occupied Paris in a little apartment in the building of the grocery store. When his along with collaborator of this German Pierre-Jean Lamour calls the Jewish Bernstein family to be arrested by for the Nazis , they go on to the confiscated apartment. Some days after, the Simon Bernstein escapes against the Germans and concerns his former home. After Batignole finds himhe feels sorry for that boy and punishes himhiding Simon from Pierre-Jean and from his wife. Later, two cousins of Simon meet him from the grocery's cellar. When Pierre-Jean finds out the kids, Batignole makes the decision to traveling to Switzerland with the kiddies.


all these great movies, but pointless without subtitles.