Monsters, Inc. - 2001
James Sullivan and Mike Wazowski are monstersthey bring in their living wayward kids and are the finest at the business... even though they're more fearful of the children than they have been of these. When a kid unintentionally enters their own world, Mike and James unexpectedly find that they uncover a conspiracy which could threaten all children and that kids are not to be scared of.

Larriud Metts

I love it when Sully and boo get along that just it just makes me feel so emotional

Lauren Brennan

Before my grandparents passed I used to watch this with them all the time when I was little. So this movie is very special to me.


I remember when I was still a toddler my mom would always put me in a red shirt like Boo and my auntie you put my hair up in two pig tails, and I would watch the movie everyday no matter what and after it was finished I would run around my grandma's house screaming boo.

Cheyan Laird

when he had to put boo back it littlery made me cry

Gloria Walker

I love monster inc my grandkids show me this movie and I watched it with them and I had to go out and buy it. I love this show and the other one


Alexa turn off my iPad OK ncjfjjvnvjfjfjcjjfokokokokokokooookokooooooooooooooooooooloooooooopolo look look look ok


boo looks like my little cousin and I love how sully and boo like best friends


Best movie ever Disney made literally 💀💀 I cried

Andre Fane

this is one of my all-time favorite movies

Moyie Var

This Movie Hits Nostalgia Just Like Toy Story 1 And 2 The Best

Olin Meyers

the whole movie pretty made me have Happy tears and sad tears

Samuel Ruiz

you and I are a team there are more in life than scaring if you don't get rid of that thing so help me so help he

Sunny Sterner

The great thing about this movie for me is, Boo looks just like my daughter did when she was little. The bizarre thing is, my daughter's name is Heather, but she couldn't say that. She said Heaboo and we called her Boo.

Bryan Hernandez Zuniga

Guys Think About The Houses In Africa. They Don't Infest With Monsters!

Angela Dotey

I like it when the slug crushes mikes fingers

Quamel Massie

monster ink I love your vids I sub and like and shared

magdy morkos

I love this movie

Warren Holt

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooddddddd

Daisy Ocampo

ñ tftc butt g I love.f me f,xy neh hhhhh byed text me u have