Morbius - 2021
Dangerously ill with a rare blood disorder, and determined to save others suffering his same fate, Dr. Morbius attempts a desperate gamble. What at first appears to be a radical success soon reveals itself to be a remedy potentially worse than the disease.


Morbius is certainly one of the movies ever made. The actors are acting and the plot is there. The characters are in it and the dialogue is spoken with normality. The director is absolutely a director and the screenplay is probably one the the screenplays ever written. It's certainly a movie that exists. I'll rate it a /10.


I love jarod leto as morbius was great , the villain was good I didn' the woman actress as his sidekick , I think the morbius sequel is gonna be better it will be like batman begins good the dark knight a masterpiece I didn't find it sucky wacky , I wish it would of been longuer, I love his powers ,


I know everyone loves the iconic "It's Morbin' Time!" scene but for me the greatest line is when he's in the crowded shopping centre and yells "STAND BACK! FOR I AM ABOUT TO MORB!" and the crowd parts because they know he means business. It shows clear character development and a subtle shift in his character arc, for me that was the moment he stopped being Michael, and started being Mr. Morbtimer, shaking right now even just writing this comment.

Kristin G

Best movie I've seen all year! Amazing details and great storyline twist at the end with Spiderman! Opens up new movies in the future. Even a 2nd movie too this one


Morbius is the the morbiest morb I have ever morbed. When Dr. Michael Morbus morbed into a morbillion morbuses, I too morbed all over my morbing screen along with my homie. The world is not ready to morb, but the Morbin time is inevitable.Sequel When.


The movie wasn't bad, it just felt like it was cut very short. Jared did great like always. Curious to see how this all plays into the MCU in the long run. In the future I hope they don't try so hard on the CGI stuff. They tried to get a little too creative in this movie I think.


I personally thought the movie is great. My favourite part is when Morbius says, "it's morbing time" and goes berserk. The only thing that would make me more excited about it is if there's going to be a sequel, that would be so awesome.


"Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf" "What about side by side with a Morb?" Never have I cried so hard. Truly one of the cinematic moments.


Its morbin time. This movie changed my life. I need to watch morbius at least 4 times to be as fit as Jared Leto. I winder how the world would look without this movie.P.s. When Milo dance i felt like i was transforming myself into a Marvel legend.


When Morbius said “I am not IN Morbius, skyler, I AM THE MORBIUS. A guy gets morbed at his doorstep and you think that of me? No. I am, the one who MORBS” it gave me literal goosebumps. Absolutely incredible film.


The scene where Dumbledore says to Harry Potter "there's morb from where that's came from" is one of the lines to be ever written, truly one of the movies ever made. What a moment gave me emotions.


W tbh so you see it's a w I had to do 150 characters so yeah it's just a W didn't do good in theaters but did good on internet I think there should be a sequel and a sequel to that and so on etc.beginning to run out of things to say but yeah I think you should watch it.


Is it as great as most the MCU? No. But it's still a pretty good movie. Not a fan of Leto but actually really enjoyed him in this movie. Give it a try and see for yourself. It's not exactly like the comics but that's not what I've ever wanted from these movies.


Morbius is the best movie of all time whoever you are u need to watch this movie. It's so good it even made 1 MORBILLION Dollars in box office. When you watch this movie you will feel your life slowly becoming ascendency in comparison to anyones elses.


The movie was unique and fun to watch. It's not the same superhero movie that keeps being made over and over again. Jared Leto was really good as Morbius. Make up your own mind about it. People like to nitpick and whine about every little thing.


Morbius is definitely a movie. It has a story, a cast, a script, and things happen in it.Although the memes are hilarious, the movie is not really worth watching, unless you're looking for good screenshots to add "It's Morbin time" captions to.


A true masterpiece. The best movie ever. The plot was subleme and i want to see more of this peak fiction NOW. Jared Leto was fantastic and i wish i could have him in my bed tonight to succ my pp, not my blood.


the part where he first turned into a vampire and uttered "i've morbed", i literally started crying at that point. this movie is so powerful, it will definetly go down in history as a movie.


Morbius was a uninteresting story of a character with great potential. The villain had poor motive, the writing was sloppy and the fight scenes were underwhelming with bad visual effects.


The only thing I enjoyed was the graphics on the main character. The villian made no sense. Character development was poor. Buffy the Vampire Slayer had better episodes then this mess.