My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - 2013
To be able to recover a crown which has been stolen by the Crystal Empire via a magic mirror, then Twilight Sparkle travels right in an alternate world. Upon her arrival she is horrified to learn that she has developed into human.

Lonely_Gothic_ Kid

I remember watching this as a kid at my dad's house and it brings the best nostalgia for me as an adult :)

Captain Marvel

Can we talk about how this school doesn't have an enrollment process? Twilight can literally just show up and act like she goes here. Also she probably didn't shower or brush her teeth for two days. Ew.

Ashley L. Bentley

I remember watching this on Netflix EVERY SINGLE NIGHT when I was like 3-6 years old

Jacqueline Daliwa

ahhh! I love this show this was it back in the day🌹

Joel Diaz

l remember watching this as a kid at my dad's house and it brings the best nostalgia for me as an adult

Judith jimenez

but this movie is in 10 years

Victor Williams



0:46 *pinkiepie transformer noises*

Tangela Oliver

I love the movie. when I was a kid I loved the movie


Doing a chronological mlp marathon!!! If you guys want too do you can find some lists in Reddit

Purple_ Guy

anybody else noticed in season 4 episode 9, there's a pony a lot like slender man behind a bush

Mig Thom

can there be like a episode

Wyanet Fernandez

I love this movie, but it loads to much


I love this movie, I think the first time I seen it was in 2015 or 2016


All of twilight sparkles French are ugly as h***

Andrea George

I am a stalker of all my little ponys because I am a shourse

Minda Monroe

good movie

April Knight

My Little pony

Olivia Reves

my fave movie

Denise Dominguez

good move