My Science Project - 1985
Michael and Ellie break to a military junk yard to find a science job for Michael's class, and discover a strange luminous orb which absorbs electricity. After the orb starts to blend past, present, and future, save mankind and its as much as Ellie and Michael to stop the orb.

Jason Webb

What decade do you think had some of the best movies? I choose the 80s. Back 2 the Future, Ghostbusters, Weird Science and who doesn't love E.T. The 80s was a good time to be a kid too, Little Monsters, Kick him in the Nards, Monster Squad. The lost can go on and on.

Jason Webb

The famous GTO. This car in this movie, has about 650 to 750hp. My wife asked me why did I love this car, cause our Volvo XC90 goes faster then 120mph. I said yes it sure can, but there's 1 thing that is missing. That GTO has only 2 gears, a high and low, ours has 6 gears.

Juno Robledo jr

They just don't make kool ass movies like they did back in the day Especially watching them at the Drive-in Till this day I still go to Drive-in.........San Antonio ...Juno

Jason Webb

An rating of 11 and a splat. This is one of the greatest underrated movies of all time. The critics should feel ashamed of themselves for doing this to their movie.

James O'Connell (ZombieVirus101)

This was a classic flick. Good movie

T BoMb

fantastic..Wow ......I LOVE movies about holes

renny poper

one of my all-time favorite movie

Paul Wood

forgotten favorite

Scot “scotty” Charron