My Sister's Keeper - 2009
Brian and sara live an idyllic life with daughter and their son. But horrible news that forces them to earn a unorthodox and difficult choice in order to save the own life of their baby girl rocks their family. The parents' dire decision rips away at the foundation of their relationship and increases questions that are both moral and ethical. A court case that threatens to rip the family apart, while revealing surprising truths that challenge everyone else's senses of loyalty and love and give new meaning was set by their activities.

Wilfredo Caraballo

I can't begin to know what the family is going through, but honestly, even if its to save a child's life, if you're not going to love all your children equally, then dont have them. and the doctor shouldn't have given the parents that option


it's a movie on morals and how most families look at one child being nothing more than a way to keep another alive. i like the movie but it makes me sad to think that people can not truly care about all of their kids the same

April Garza

I remember when my brother passed at 18. to Cancer 😭. I remember lot but don't remember a lot. it changed everything. but I know someday we will all be with are love one's. God bless too everyone

Lone Star

I don't blame the younger daughter I would say she is one of the bravest people . Her sister also because she protected her sister when the parents wouldn't. This mother is evil.

Ashley Rodriguez

this song made me cry when my sister had her second baby[065

Ashley Rodriguez

me too😭😭😭😭😭😭😭and it makes me happier

Diana Marilyn Benjamin

the mom pisses me off

S.O.S. Allday

never cried so much during a movie like this

Angela Lavorgna

The mom basically just gave birth to the girl to be a Liv in corpse. A walkable body bag never to have a choice And to be sliced and opened up at the snap of the finger

Malia Alley-Doty

that's a horrible mother throughout the movie

Kristen Ray 101

2 Sisters a know growing up the parents were told the oldest one wouldn't make it past year for but she did even though our braina never fully develop the way it should have in her mind was she was still a baby but she lived to be 16 being all the odds but little sister...

Melanie Wild

I feel for children and their parents when a child is born with an illness, the parents become Overly protective and the child suffers 😭 please let your children be children, and to any parent out there, try your best to not give more attention to another even if one is disabled


great movie but wish it had a happier ending

Haylee Martinez

this makes me sad 😭😞

Genny S

you know I was upset at first when they changed the ending from the book. but now It really was a good choice. the book just left me in tears.

maomi goodman

I planned my daughter and I was planned both only by moms though lmao men don't plan shit they didn't even want us


Good but sad movie and the mom in this movie honestly shows she doesn't care about her own daughter The mother is so evil

Chasity Wero

from the best of I experience and I am not going for us as we have to be able and we can πŸ₯«

Claudia Chavez

this is why donating is so important to save lifes.