Mystic River - 2003
The lives of three men who were childhood friends are ruined when one of those comes with a family tragedy.

Michael Wilson

that's why you should make sure that you have the correct information before you do something you shouldn't have done. Remember always Think before you reacted on something and your wrong.

Michael Wilson

yeah I like this movie but they took to long to find the guilty ones who killed the young girl if I was out there looking for who killed my family, if someone came to me and gave me information on the person who supposedly did it. I probably would have got that person myself. Tha


what a great movie!!!!

Susie Holston

I wish that Dave didn't die and the young girl... Other than that, very good movie.....

J LopezWombold

he threw him in the mystic river and she's in de nile.


Tim Robbins, Kevin Bacon, Sean Penn and Lawrence Fishburne all 4 great actors

Derrick L. Thomas

Bad ass MOVIE


I could have sworn this came out in the 90's.


fucking old man perv and his punk ass side kick disgusting 🤢 creeps

LaVetta Berry

what!?!? he can't get away with that!!

Don Rajah

Clint gave his boy a job, Eli Wallach


great movie

Mama T


Derrick L. Thomas

great movie