Need for Speed - 2014
The film revolves round a local street-racer who partners having a small business that is arrogant and rich partner to find himself sent to prison and also styled by his own colleague. After he gets out, he unites with a New York-to-Los Angeles race to acquire revenge. But when that the ex-partner learns of this plot, he puts a soul on the racer's head, forcing a crosscountry gauntlet of racers to conduct in all mode of vehicles.

Grant Douglas

we need a back story for the original characters of dinno an tobi an a sequel of the original need for speed with them an the original characters .

Juan Sigala

This was a badass movie with a great plot. Everyone from the director , screen writer, and the actors did a super great job.

Steven Starr

very good movie . They did a great job depicting the sense of speed. I think it would be crap if the cars where going 40 mph and they sped the film up to look fast .I think at one point the cars where going fast.


Toby should have beat Dino ass after he pulled him out of his car at the end I would have beat that crap out of them

Damien Willis

so that's the storyline behind need 4 speed cool 😎 but I'm r I've been wondering if theirs any movie 🎥 🍿 out there were theirs no sacrifice r murder death kill n it cause y'all acting people has way 2 much of that roll play & I feel like Mr Grant Douglas needs a part 2

Shannon Wright

just because you want to go fast and go joyride you lose your life you enjoy a lot so much that you're willing to kill yourself just to see how fast you can go fuck that


at the end they should have been shown Dino in jail and being someone's bitch.

Arvin Singh

The movie is over the whole fucking fast and furious franchise

Scot “scotty” Charron

these cops could a stopped the whole thing,matter of fact why the fuck didn't cop in the woods roll out the spikes

Mishandled Biohazard

why am I just finding this now???!!! I love Need for's how I learned to drive Didn't tell my instructor that tho


how do you like those apples Dino getting beat by by your own car

David Dinkins

the entire 1st race scene was shot in my home town of macon ga

AiDeN’s FiRe!

I love this movie


fantastic movie wish they would hurry up and make another

Noah Gordy

It's a shame that this movie isn't known very well.


take out a punch them right there right before the race right in the nose out of split his fucking wig

Dominic Hawkins

they need fo make a part 2


This is the moment Jessie becomes the Racer


if I was told we had a punch that dude Dino rain's nose after I threw the ring at him

Earl Jones

I agree cool as fuck first time seeing this great watch