Never Been Kissed - 1999
A pupil at the Chicago Sun-Times, josie Geller, must present as a student at her high school to investigate contemporary teenage civilization. With the assistance of her brother, Rob, Josie infiltrates the inner group of the popular clique on campus. If she falls on her English educator -- and of course her neglected love life -- but she hits on a significant snag in her evaluation.

Parischia Ask

favorite movie ever

Parischia Ask

what is my favorite movies

Erica Gomez

The Ending makes me cry everytime!! Sometimes I just forward the movie to the end and hit repeat

Carissa Thomas

I was a ram in highschool no joke my school was the Rogers rams! go ram!!! and I he same colors lol wat a coincidence.

Ariel Flax

one of my favorite movies



H ii

this movie was so good


I love this movie as I love everafter


love this movie