No Man of God - 2021
Based on real life transcripts culled from conversations between FBI analyst Bill Hagmaier and serial killer Ted Bundy that took place between 1984 and 1989, No Man of God details the complicated relationship that formed between the two men during Bundy’s final years on death row.

Dean Raney

Im not really religious. I wasn't raised to be and never found it. I don't think it matters if you feel bad for things you have said or done. if you were a good person you wouldn't have said or done them in the first place. God wouldn't want someone like Ted in his kingdom or me.


Intellect is overrated. Living from the heart is the best compass, as truth is found there. Yeshua Messiah died and rose to make at-onement for even future sins because these meat sacks don't predispose us to knowing what we do the majority of our lives. Watch Risen and see.

Mishandled Biohazard

Quagmire, giggity giggity.