Noah - 2014
A guy who endures fantasies of the apocalyptic deluge takes measures to safeguard his family out of the flood.

Grandma's Email Something 2...

Thank Goodness that the story of Noah and the Ark didn't happen like that. The names are correct, the flood did happen but not like that, there were 8 people saved, the king didn't sneak on board, no rock monsters, the 3 sons all had wives and God closed the door... and so on...

Ashley Martin

This my fourth time watching this movie The Watchers were falling angels that came to earth to helpI like how this movie was very detail about Noah days


This is an interesting narrative, but it did not happen that way according to scripture and the fact that they think that they can rewrite the bible is blasphemy!

owens daniels

I think this Noah was an very mean and mad Noah, I don't like Russell Crowe version I just don't think this is any love and kindness he doesn't even show love to his own wife


this is just entertainment value. this was not meant to be an accurate account of what happened. all these comments are really sad. it was a good movie. sorry to all the karens that expected word for word from the Bible.

Chris Copeland

it wasn't the almighty that asked him to do that to take the child it was the devil the devil wants hatred anger fear God wants peace love prosperity

Tammy DeBoard

So if Adam and Eve were the 1st and they had 3 son's how did mankind become? But Cain killed Able so there was only 2 son's left. How did they multiply the earth?

owens daniels

if I was God I would've k*ll*ed everybody in this terrible movie including Noah, God should have crushed that ugly a*s boat, and, weird and nutty a*s Methuselah searching for blue berries stupidity horrible movie I bet Satan was laughing his a*s off watching this movie

Cindy Alnaese

Noah is an excellent movie however it seems to be too dark because I have to watch it on my phone I advise you guys to watch it this very heartfelt


Watch it, and I actually like it. It's a movie, so you can have different versions, and for this version, I think they pulled it off pretty good.

owens daniels

Russell Crowe was a horrible Noah, terrible movie, Noah never fell into the water and ham was a disobedience son and shem didn't do a sex act him and his wife as it was raining and Noah never went nutty and deranged wanting to kill shem's baby wow!!!! Satan made this movie


love the movie but why has to make kids young ham Shem and japheth were adults with wives already when entered ark not children

owens daniels

shem's wife had the nerve to tell Noah to drag some ropes to save some people she's a little late on saving people and all the animals weren't high like heroin addicts, animals weren't on no good drugs

Mark a Saye

Noah's Ark did not break in two in Noah's lifetime. The Russian pilot who flew over the Ark in 1917 saw it in one piece. It wasn't until modern times it broke off that ledge and the bow fell below.

Denise Ross

Why does Jesus have to be a white dude in everything!? That's 1 of the biggest lies right there!

Mark a Saye

It pains me to see them apply literally license to the Bible like it is just another. book and not God's love letter to us. The Biblical account was way more entertaining



Scot “scotty” Charron

I thought he said in the beginning wash away for new life, and why isnt Noah saying it's a miracle from God?


This is Satan/ Hollywood version of Noah and the Ark ... Not God my Heavenly Father yes this movie is full of lies....

Judah Ben Israel

the amount of lies esau tell in biblical movies is insane, they have a heavy judgment comin. Obadiah 1:1-21