Obsessed - 2009
Things couldn't be better for Derek Charles. He has just got a promotion on the job and has a terrific marriage along with his wonderful wife. Into this idyllic world steps a worker at the off ice of Derek, Lisa. Lisa begins to stem Derek, jeopardizing.
Tabetha's Gaming Site
Sharon has ever right to Fight back for her family the other woman had no right to come into her Life and Try to Take it over so she doesn't have a choice to Fight back,
Asia. Glover Glover
bh hi maybe we can go to the bnjn. VH p and the one now I have to get the you y np the one that was the one that was not good for a few years and the picture but y big thing to think you would have NH to the girl too much have a h
Hayden Hall
I'm a 32 year old male... and I'll watch anything with Beyonce in it
Mussenley Montpeirousse
the movie is great and all, but why is the volume so low?
TiMauryon Conner
i used to love this movie
Mussenley Montpeirousse
this blonde bitch is the reason I don't trust white women
Samantha McCain
this girl is so crazy this white girl is delusional
jamiah williams
Please keep the sound on for the entire movie Please, please, please
Deandre Roberson
Beyonce Knowles is my favorite girlfriend
ps f
f&_$# with my child my family i wudnt whoop u cops better find u b4 me warning wud be giving.. bet..dnt act surprise if murder was the charge..family defense
The captions are all off and the sound quality is poor. Great movie though!
Asia. Glover Glover
not good to go in the paper and I have to go to the girl too I was talking with her and the other day is going
i heard the whole movie no problem u can c it on you w/ ads/ commercials
Jayonna Thomas
but what about jay Z???
Michael Clearwater
The movie was a really fun movie. I liked it a lot. The women were really good in it
Lisa Norris
why did I lose sound
Alessandra Easley
I've been looking for this movie
Brittany Stigleman
good thing I've seen this before the end of the movie has no sound
Deon Wright
this movie has always been one of my favorites 🍿👍🏾
Asia. Glover Glover
bhb the other guy is going to be in the paper and I
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