Play Misty for Me - 1971
A fling between a obsessed fan and a man disc jockey takes an perhaps lethal, and terrifying turn when another woman enters the picture.
Catherine Zuchowski
The FIRST FATAL ATTRACTION and one reason Men Should Think Twice with the BIG Head and NOT the LITTLE Head ..
Vernon Winston
THIS WAS ONE B-E-A-U-T-F-U-L-L-Y SHOT MOVIE. Yup. It was visually GORGEOUS. It was definitely "HOLLYWOOD". 👍💥💥💥👍!!!
Rose Bear
one of Clint Eastwood's best movies
Women wanted feminism and the men gave it to them. Then women got angry that men treated differently
The classic is still # 1
Aida Ortiz
Great movie🍿
Felicia Vernon
I Love this movie
good movie
Kari Martinez
good movie
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