Players - 2024
New York sportswriter Mack has spent years devising successful hook-up "plays" with her friends, but when she unexpectedly falls for one of her targets, she must learn what it takes to go from simply scoring to playing for keeps.

Dominic Lee

let me guess he gonna help her catch a man but he secretly in love with her and their going to wined up falling in love


Really good movie and a lot better than I thought it was going to be

Earl Jones

I really liked this one pretty good 👍👍👍

Glenda Young

An endearing, delightful, romantic comedy with a happy ending. Gina Rodriguez and Damon Wayans Jr. are great together.👍🏾♥️💯 %🍿

Danuta Ruszczyk

I love it !

Benjamin Elliott

miss movies like this. our world needs more.

(Lady Wiz) Allisa Wiz Tate

the perfect Romance movie

Scot “scotty” Charron

is it English all I need to know

homerj 72

loved it cute movie

TeNessa Gentry

just seen it and I love it say better than I thought.

Zawraqh Andari

YESSSS SNL GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't know her name.......

Daniel Alley

nn8ce ni c n n I c e

Zawraqh Andari

"Let's go lose"

Lolita Page

good movie 🍿

(Lady Wiz) Allisa Wiz Tate

what a wonderful movie

Troy Hendrickson


Timothy Ramirez

eat candy 🍫poop