Pokémon Detective Pikachu - 2019
At a universe where folks collect pocket size monsters (Pokémon) todo battle, a boy comes across a smart monster who seeks to be a detective.

Ranjita Kharel

this movie is fucking good shit fucking shit

Adrian Joel Obledo (Aj)

how old is pickachu 25 or something


Grandpa you can suck my cock this movie rocks

Alison Miller

the pokemon is shit good fucking bitch yes

Jackie Smith

I love this show it's so cool 😎

Tiffany Clark


Travez Taylor

This one of the first movie Ryan Reynolds never acted gay in

Jakarya McGee

it was that put your feet down for me I'm not giving you a massage LOL

Binty Sylla

we got someone saying their mother were m************ but they're just b****** they're acting b*******

Renee Matthews

I love Pikachu

John Toohey

pretty cool if you're 10 years old

Lourdes Monroy

i love pokémon

Zachary Joseph

yo why does the freaking purple Pokemon at the very beginning of the attacked him look like a freaking Teletubby scary the Teletubbies are scary


This movie is go but his dad have to be gone?

Marley Lewis

this would have been a great movie if the voice of Pikachu was a kid voice because hea kid but he has a adult voice

Hidat Araya

the movie was a good and amazing 👑🥳

Paris Lee

it was everywhere!! not enough time for the story line witch I love!! get to the action!! . definitely for the children!

correion curls

best Pokemon

Benjamin Valencia

is the shit


l I love it you look great and I love you and I hope to see you