Poor Things - 2023
Brought back to life by an unorthodox scientist, a young woman runs off with a lawyer on a whirlwind adventure across the continents. Free from the prejudices of her times, she grows steadfast in her purpose to stand for equality and liberation.

Candice Leasure

loved this movie ♡♡♡♡♡ LOVED IT BUT,I do wish they took the Dr's brain and put it in the general so he could live on. Even though he was a mad Scientist. Have I mentioned how much I love this movie 😘⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Earl Jones

this movie is funny and a little odd if you like Emma she truly will surprise you!! great acting and visual effects


I don't understand how this movie is categorized as comedy. Yes I do find some characters a bit comedic, but the whole film teaches multitude of philosophy about life but mainly about freedom and sexual desire, attraction. And above anything, you can not own a person. 💯


I have been dying to see this but the quality is so fuckin horrible I can't hear anything and the picture is horrible. please update ASAP

Ace Frazier

yeah I like Emma too but this is a no for me. I don't like the storyline and how she came about. it seems we're making fun of those that are gifted and the way men are coming at her in a sense of her not understanding but does well keeping them away. I just don't like it.🙅🏾‍♂️

reaper goreman

i love weird movies like this welcome to the twilight zone 😂

Larry Lee

the camera effect is unlike anything I've ever seen. gives the feel of like a dream that clashes with film making from the 30s..like it's very old but new..very funny and excellent story.

Eina Johnson

when I first start watching this movie I was thinking what the hell is this but after a while I got into it and it's pretty good I loved it that's the ending she started acting like a child and then she just changed on everybody I loved it bravo

Amy Woods

emma is a beautiful actress but this movie im not sure about was definitely not what I was expecting at all and do t care for it so much what more of a story not just sex threw out the whole damn movie wow

reaper goreman

who is ready for Gremlins 3 next year

Albert Johnson

A wonderful look at life in a unique way that gives a sense of humor from a woman's point of view, but is not given in our culture. there are so many things that we could break down. I just have to say that I am very happy that because of Wodfix, The Greatest Movie app

Stephen Carson

to each there own, if you liked this movie that's OK, I did not like the porno, but I do like William Dafoe and Mark Ruffalo acting, and Mark was very funny. I just do not care for Emma as a whore, loved her in every other movie she has been in.. just not this one


ok so I broke down and watched this horrible copy of this movie. absolutely not what I was expecting but the craziest thing I have seen in a long while. I loved it

Carieann Starrcup

love this movie 🍿 but I want to watch it off cam..... But it's good but will be better off cam

Melissa Vera

wtf am I watching. if this is an insight into this writers brain, I wanna stay far,far away.

George Capozzi

it is 1:00 a.m. on Monday March 11th and I watched this immediately after watching Emma Stone win the academy award for best actress! definitely worth the wait! never heard of the movie till I saw her win the Oscar... BRAVO 👏


gr8 flick but MI Razza read these words from my experience meeting death as proud straight edge Atheist called the Savior Yako Romero in my independent wrestling career. Jesus of Nazareth is God Almighty amen

Larry Northrup

honestly I thought it was stupid.. and I really don't think Emma is that hot..

Linda Jordan

hard to make out the speaking parts, music way too loud. from what I could make out it was ok

Francisco Vega