Power Rangers - 2017
Saban's Power Rangers follows five teens who has to become something outstanding whenever they learn that their town of Angel Grove -- and the entire world -- is still on the point to be calmed by an alien threat. Our heroes quickly detect they are the only ones who are able to save the planet. But they might need to over come their issues that are real-life and before it's too late, ring collectively since the Power Rangers to accomplish this.

Daniel Taylor

Ask JesusChrist for forgiveness for all your wrongs and to come into your life and save you with all your hearts everyonee sirs and ma'ams if you want to be saved. If not you will burn forever and if you accept JesusChrist and your not trying at all your just going to burnforever


This movie was great enjoyed the story but it also lacked the power rangers origin story that where so used it could been celebration of the power rangers franchise get other actors who have started in the movie before to be inside but yes but ok movie.


If you're a true fan of Power Rangers like myself this movie will bore you. The build up on the movie was to slow. It looked like I was watching a rip-off version of Transformers.


Had a lot of terrible reviews so never got around to watching it when it came out. It's got some terrible lines and not great acting but kind of a fun action movie . Feels like written by transformers/battleship writers. So if you enjoy those movies you'll likely enjoy this as well.

Daniel Taylor

Ask JesusChrist for forgiveness for all your wrongs and to come into your life and save you with all your hearts everyonee sirs and ma'ams if you want to be saved.


90ts kids who are born by seeing power rangers the would have directed a much better film the action Seens are worst every fight seen is in a slow motion that's really irritating.


my little brother love this Power Ranger movie so much that every watch it every single day and this is my first time watching it and it looks pretty awesome I'm 22 years old still watching Power Rangers[0


The movie is ok. Even if you hate it it's still made for kids and nobody cares. Daddy chill. The movie is fine leave it alone.


The plot isn't gonna break any ground, but the acting is good and some of the scenes between Dacre and Cyler especially are just very poignant. I enjoyed it and would watch again if just wanting to relax and not have to think much.


The film has an excellent development of the characters. They are developed both individually and as a team and this is fantastic.The action is very good and story is super engaging.Nostalgia at various times. Very good!

Rinoa Heartilly

I really wish that this will become a season because it's epic what makes it epic is it's realistic It's more violent than all the rest of the Power Rangers that's ever been made and I really love it

Easa Niazifar

what do these dumb people in the comments think? this movie is literally sooo good idk how they think it's bad at all 8 out of 10 tbh idc what other people think but 8 out of 10🤷‍♂️

Angel Pagann


Christopher Riley

they have to make a sequel they have to I have seen this 98 times today and I'm still not tired of watching this

LE Andrey Duncan

go go power rangers go go power rangers go go power rangers mighty morphine power rangers go go power rangers go go power rangers go go power rangers you mighty morphine power rangers its morphine time

Daniel Fuentez

good movie n if y'all DNT like it the suck it slow


who else saw something on tik tok about a slap and watched it

Dominik Zapata

is no one gonna talk about the real tommy and Kimberly in there recording