Protocol-7 - 2024
With the catastrophic regression of her adopted son, Lexi, a small-town lawyer, is confronted with the reality of corporate fraud at the highest level. Will she hold a massive corporation accountable in this true whistleblower story?

Kasandra Justiniano

this was a great movie and I'm so glad he took it to court bc it made testing and the FSA be more strict and shows these big corps they won't always get away with there crimes. we need to have them all looked into more closely it's our life's at risk for there greed

Denise Connerty

excellent movie.. Always trust your instincts and heart. The government and big pharma are so corrupt that they'll never change, sadly šŸŒšŸŒŽšŸŒšŸŖ„$$$$$$

John Siler

this is why I educated my daughter before she had her baby šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ all them vaccines for these little babies are poison...

Terri Howard

It's a little slow to start but it's a great story with a wonderful ending.

Michelle Guzman

how much more fake stuff is in our every day life's like our food????

Seth Hilyard

the couple things that I don't like about this movie in this pertains to real life. sick and tired of movies making men the weak people now. towing men that it's all right to not carry the torch in the family meaning being the leader that they're supposed to be.

Seth Hilyard

like the father in this movie he comes off very cuck like you can tell the wife who's the lawyer is wearing the pants. and what's up with American white couples having white guilt adopting black African children šŸ¤”šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

Seth Hilyard

people need to stop having white guilt. people that are alive today did nothing wrong which the evil piece of s*** people did back when slavery was around. and people who make us feel guilty they are evil.

Michelle Guzman

I've been really sick since I got my COVID shoot...

Tony V

its all about the money and who dies with the most toyscrazy. but true

reggie white

real slow I started fast forwarding šŸ˜ž


the big corps will always find ways around stuff theirs no stopping them from making money

Brian Ledbetter

fk a vaccination. an the liberal Democrat's

Michael Puntorno

I never get vaccinated

(Lady Wiz) Allisa Wiz Tate

great movie

Kelley Leathers

kinda slow