Rambo: Last Blood - 2019
After John Rambo's niece travels into Mexico to locate she discovers herself at the grasps of Calle sex traffickers. When she does not return home as expected, John learns she's swept up into Mexico and sets out to get her back and then also make them cover off.

macilla brown

I love every movie that he plays nothing but the best within u gonna receive each and every time and turn just pure perfection💯💯💯💯


this a very good pease of art all I can say is welcome home to all the Vietnam vets make that all vets they have served for the United States services thank you for putting your life's on the line so me and my family can live free

Abubakar Usman

she don't deserve to die but she should listen 👂 to her elders but actually its is the best movie

Alexcis Colon

fuck i love it when Sylvester Stallone gets all savage


Rambo needs to do this to those illegal terrorists that crossed the United States border raiding and killing innocent Americans.

Lucid Dream Walking

Moral of the story... teenagers never listen and always like to learn the hard way. This usually includes taking their parents or loved ones along for the ride.


That's because he didn't know what narcane was for probably And that's it's Emily anyway If you should have died you should have survive I love it anyway

Hayward Mccullough

Another example of youth being hard headed and determined to find answers that are not always beneficial to their well-being! As always rock solid action that only Rambo bring to the party!

Jesus Antonio

This is a very good movie, I've seen some clips of it on yt but watching the whole thing rn, I'm in love with it

Morning Star

Fuck yeah. Fuck that piece of shit. Pull his fucking heart out and show it to him before he dies.

Ed Selman

I do like Sylvester Stallone's movies because all of his movies are about standin up for what is right even if you have to do it alone . . & a family is always right ! ! ! !

Craig Lyons

I grew up watching the Rambo movies, it brings sadness to my heart to see the last one that will be made. So gooood

Douglas Adair

fucked them cartel assholes up really bad

Lashone Richardson

best actor jam pack action

Roy James

I think there needs to be another 9ne where he hunts down human traffickers and skins them alive and makes them suffer for years before finally be8nf sent t9 Hell

J LopezWombold

this movie is Too much gore for me the ending is Nuts Sylvester is one of the best Actors to ever live

Scott Morton

if she only listened to the one person who raised her as his own and treated her like his own daughter 😡😡😡

Carol Chandler

I love it, love it, I watch it everyday,