Ratatouille - 2007
An rat named Remy dreams to become a French boxer despite his family's dreams and the problem of being a rat at a profession. He finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant created by his hero, when fate puts Remy from the sewers of Paris. Despite the dangers of being an unlikely - and certainly unwanted - visitor at a French restaurant's kitchen, a hilarious and exciting rat race Paris' realm turns down is so on set into motion by Remy's passion for cooking.

Jennifer Rabago-Roman

No matter how many times I see Ratatouille I love it more and more and I tend to smile more and more. Plus, it makes me want to go back to Paris because it's so beautiful there and the food is so excellent. And it is definitely known for amore. I can't wait to go back [

Tina Lopez

the movie is so powerful

Warren Track

I just love this movie it's so fun to watch and I watched this probably over 20 times it never get boring unlike most movies and tv shows they tend to get boring pretty fast but this is I can't explain it's just so fun I kinda feel bad for the rats though they because people mean

Tammie Taper

This is bye far my most favorite animated movie of All time!!!!!!!!!

Vanessa Chapa

love This Movie 🎬

Letoria Pennington

This one of my favorites πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’ŽπŸŒΉπŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’ŽπŸŒΉπŸ’œπŸ’ž

Lou KALLOU I love Jesus

the way it turned from English to what humans actually here


I love this movie so much I named my cat after Remy. I cry every time I watch this movie.

Noel Moore

this is the best movie I don't care what you say

Alexis Arbelo

i like it so it's 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10

Becky James

me and my baby girl can watch this movie over and over and it never gets old.

Alyanah Noon

No matter how times I watched this as a kid, I will always love this movie❀️.

Sassie Ladie

my ALL TIME GO TO MOVIE!!! Bc of this movie and Emeril I go to culinary school and 2 courses away from having my associates of Applied Science in Culinary Arts! there's nothing wrong with staying motivated even as an adult going back to watching these movies, in my opinion..πŸ€·πŸΎβ€

Larae Ameline

this movie is really good and I don't care how many times I watch it is my favorite movie 😊

Arnold James

I'm talking about these great old movies that y'all do put on apologize going to see the newest ones but I like some of the other ones you have on here it's great keep them coming I mean it that's all I'm going to say about that have a great day and keep those movies

Lucas Broderick

2 the 77 who disliked I would like to say one thing to u and that is fuck you

Nilda Agosto

easy for Friday to anything goes good I love it it was amazing and I hope that there's a new one and also when are you guys going to put a new movie that just came out in the Ninja Turtles movie and the baby Billy the Barbie movie it is such a good movie

Logan Thrash

always been one of my favorites