Raven's Touch - 2015
Blaming herself for a horrible mishap, Raven Michaels secludes herself at a family cabin that is remote. She awakens the forests trying serenity in isolation. In a last ditch attempt to save her loved ones, her two teenagers swim far from the distractions of tech and young romance are taken by Kate Royce. When Raven and Kate's worlds collide they provide each other unexpected opportunities for healing and intimacy.

John Doner

this was a great show, heartwarming and romantic, loved this a lot, cried like a baby, the only bad part was because the two gorgeous women that fell in love with each other, it didn't explain if they were going to stay together or not, I am hoping they will but Raven lives there

John Doner

and Kate is from another state so what's going to happen, is Kate going to move there or will they split up after a while or will Raven leave the area to be with Kate, I hope they stay together though, love this movie