Rebound: The Legend of Earl 'The Goat' Manigault - 1996
A dramatization of the life of Earl'The Goat' Manigault (Don Cheadle), with lots of factual based occurrences. A reformed junkie returns to completely clean his act up and devote the remainder of his lifetime to Harlem's children. 1996 was the 25th anniversary of the very first tournament named after him.

Jon Doe

great movie Don cheadele great actor

Earl Jones

The playgrounds of N.Y either made you or broke you I Grew up in the 60's and 70's Brooklyn and have seen greatness just wasted away with drugs. I've also seen hero's come out of the same streets

Tony Foster

a movie that gives a separation from being a humble being turning into a scum bum and back again

Leo Mcneill

greatest I've ever seen...


Great movie


damn he went out bad