Red Dawn - 1984
It's the Sunrise of World War III. In America, a set of teenagers band together to defend their town--and their own country--from threatening Soviet forces.
Arnold Betancourt
Here in 2020, this Nation may be battling each other internally for a freedom. The real freedom is in Christ Jesus the true Savior!!! Not against flesh and blood.
Rodney Armstrong
This movie doesn't show the truth, when it all goes down law enforcement will kill you if you even try too save your children from schools. law enforcement will kill you if you even try too get your children out of school. fuck you you stupid parents.
What a great movie We still remember you patrick swayze nobody will ever forget you. You are one of my favorite 80s, actors. Rest in peace, brother 🙏
Rodney Armstrong
You Men putting on woman face are fixing to learn a humbling from God. man is man and woman is woman. you faggot men are fixing too learn a lesson. and I'm laughing at you you faggots.
umm it skipping the fucking lib tards got to it
Rodney Armstrong
I would rather be 40 miles behind enemy lines than 1 mile. I walways fight on my feet than live on my knees.
Jakey Hammonds
fucking foreigner think they can come over here and take over. They got another thing coming. Most Americans will die on their feet....than live on their knees. Semper Fi do or die. oohrah !!!
Neal Roberts
I wonder if passing in there would really work
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