Red Riding Hood - 2011
Valerie is inlove Peter, with a brooding outsider, however, her parents have arranged for her to marry another person -- who is wealthy. Unwilling to eliminate eachother, once they know that a werewolf which prowls the forest surrounding their village has murdered the old sister of Valerie Valerie and Peter want to run off together. Hungry for revenge, the people today telephone Father Solomon, on werewolf hunter, to help them kill the wolf. However, Solomon's advent brings unintentional consequences as he warns that the wolf, who takes form might possibly be any of them.

Abrar Khan

its actually so sad and messed up that she killed her own dad but at least she ended up with Peter


great movie is it going to be another movie


The sex scene in the snow was 100% pointless and unnecessary. The rest of the movie was good.

Ava Smith

I was kinda sad when they took this off Netflix

Samantha Jackson

it's really an amazing movie

Kenneth Hicks

Nothing like a awesome werewolf movie like this

Jade Hernandez

I really love this move

Kimberly Benavidez

omg love this movie good one 👍 repeat always

Waleed Mirza

you are sexy


Trash film

Allen Vautrin

no it's not on