Red State - 2011
Place a group of teens, in Middle America receive an internet invitation for gender, though they encounter Christian fundamentalists having a sinister program.

Jason Webb

It's not my place to judge another person. I don't care what another person does in their bedrooms. But please for the love of God Almighty, don't force the shit on me & male me watch it in a movie. Adam & Eve, NOT Adam & Steve.


I was raised Baptist and that God would forgive you for your sins to me they were not christians,christians don't judge and kill

Scot “scotty” Charron

homosexuality doesn't bring life, that's what's real, there wouldn't be any recreation of everyone was man with man or woman with woman.... just saying.....

Scot “scotty” Charron

Satan perverting the womb? all I know is what the Bible said, so I'm guessing for the apostles writing this it must've been happening then also, in the days of Jesus?

Gregory Coleman

bad ass movie man kevin smith was going to have those idiots all fuckin die one after another, all of the christians combusting and an angel looked at Goodman, only one who sees him then a shhhhhhh. went back to heaven and when Smith found out that it would cost 5 million well..

Gregory Coleman

gay for pay baby, also its funny christianity is supposed to forgive, welcome all. thats why Marilyn Manson is the God of fuck thats why Im the God of fuck. Little horn is born. world spreads its legs for another star, world shows its face for another star. Their born that way

yveslo lou

homosexuals do not reproduce but they do recruit yeah boy

Scot “scotty” Charron

unbelievable shoots the kid yet he should have started blowing people away to get his friend

Adam Hastings

kill all the butt fuckers

Andrew Hunter

they put every scenario in this movie

Adam Hastings

ass pirates spread aids

Scot “scotty” Charron

grab a couple guns angarano

Scot “scotty” Charron

but ya can't go this far!!!

Paul Mox

great movie

Dirk D

good flic.