River - 2021
After disappearing for over a week, River tries to put her fragmented memory back together, while teetering on the brink of insanity and questioning what's real vs a dream.


Cont. All of a sudden, but never explained how or where the aliens got a hold of her to for the "watcher" to take over. They mistaking didn't touch on that. The end, you understood due to her emotional state throughout the movie why she just stood there at the end, but left of


Interesting enough storyline, but it's like the writers ran out of steam towards the end with not knowing how to create closure touching on some key elements. As in her friend Amanda, she obviously had been herself throughout her life, as they mentioned she acted differently,


Cont. in an unsatisfying way. It was a bit of a let down, because there was so many other directions they had the opportunity for to end it, and just didn't take it. They easily could have cut some of the other unneeded dialog in order to elaborate and storybuild on the more


cont. interesting elements. The movie was an ok watch, I mean, if you're bored and have the time. that ending was really just a let down for me. maybe it won't be for you though. End.

Scot “scotty” Charron

or 👇