Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - 2016
A ninja group of resistance fighters combine to get a mission to sneak the Death Star plans and bring a brand fresh hope into the galaxy.

Tyrone Johns

love this star wars movie awesome effects in it too ..!!

G Body

This was cool but the force stuff should've been kept to a minimum because in Star Wars, only Obi brought forth the force with Luke. Just the blind guy with the force would've been good enough but overall way better than the disaster of the three last episodes of propaganda.

Allan Cooper

Isn't it funny that the fighters are named after an alphabet that doesn't exist in the Star Wars universe. X wing fighter , A wing fighter, Y wing fighter/bomber and now the U wing troop transport.

Ron Eliyahu

blind guy and robot my fav so far

cain olejko

May the 4th be with you

Christopher Killian

the best one they ever made

Villager #87

remember you encounter Saw, as Kell, from fallen order as a younger man

Mason Wright

in andor the series when he was in the prison they must have been making parts for the death star it all makes sense now

Misael Calderon

we have hope may the force be with you

Gabriel Garcia

the blind guy is the same person on John wick

Tammy DeBoard

Why did they put a sack on a blind man?

Simon Peter Davies

out of all the new star wars films this issue my favourite


this is definitely my least favorite out of all the Star wars movies

Andrew W. Uren 4 th

I can't find the other cable TV series.

Chris Dal

Donnie yen ip Man greatest of these days

Jason Munyon

very good star wars movie, love it

John Moore
