- 2023
Markus Williams
why don't the movie have wordings at the bottom for people that speak English we like the action and things but would love to know what you saying in the movies when we make movies we make sure we have it in all languages in Word form
this movie was the shit couldn't understand what they was saying but the action made up for it Donnie Yan is no joke
Greg moore
I paid $2.00 bucks to watch it in english on YouTube, worth it.
James Mack
it's been a whole year and still no subtitles SMH
jeremy lagers
need subtitles please supposed be great movie
Michael Johnson
yea where is the fucking English subtitles
Rashad Williams
I can't understand the words at all
Arthur Hall Jr.
no English subtitles for us Americans.
Lakeisha Evans
need English version
Kevin Wade
Do the movie come in English
Martin marcinko
dont understand
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