Seven Pounds - 2008
An IRS representative with a secret that is fateful agent on an exceptional journey of redemption by altering the lives of seven strangers.
Christina Patterson
one of the best movies he been in 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
Scot “scotty” Charron
I'm on a will smith kick,the Oscars and rock can suck it let shit go already,I think I speak for many
this really shows the many layers of will smith's talent. I mean this character was so NOT will smith but ar the same time BELIEVABLE that has to be the hardest this to do as an actor. I wouldn't know of course but that is my badge of honor
Brennan Phillips
This is the best movie I never want to watch again.
Joe Joel
• Not a movie I would recommend to anyone!
Jamar Booker
Speechless, sad, amazingly good. 😭
thanks Will Smith I will always cherish this movie
Michael Jones
will smith in 1988-92 was the best I can't believe it happened
Jason Hunsinger Jr
after he killed himself I got choked to bad ngl
Ricardo Quiles
that is one of the best movies
amanda W
This is an amazing film ❤❤
This movie is good as hell
Jacky Givens
Vonda Docs
Such a powerful movie.
Queen Channy
I this movie..
Catherine Vargas
i love this movie
Abdul Haqq
Great movie
mn. .
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