Shallow Hal - 2001
A shallow man falls deeply in love with a 300 pound woman because of her"inner beauty".

cat Alfaro ASMR

You are beautiful just the way you are. I hate that the fact that society has made it. That you have to look a certain way. And that really hurts people's mental health. They go on to prescriptions and. Throw up, which is not that healthy. Yes, be healthy but The b who you are.[0

Scott Morton

it goes to show beauty is only skin deep always look for the inner beauty of people love this movie

Jon Smith

first 25 mins in but y did they make them women Xtra ugly like nasty af wicked witch style wtf that's like damn


good movie. still don't like fat girls but good movie.

Victoria Long

I always loved this movie

Jon Smith

that is fucked up the way they did them kids that made me feel sad and angry

Jj Tj

beautiful movie, specially when it happened to me in real life!!! trust me, it happened to me!.. after eye injury; no bullshit... God is my witness

Ally Soukup

I love the point to this movie

David villescas

all of the women I meet are shallow which sucks

Scott Morton

that's would be so heartbreaking to finally seen the reality that you were blind to especially the the little girl in the burn unit 🥺🥺

monkey may

why ant no one talking about the fly wen his dad was dying a fly flew on his nose

USC Trojan fan 4 life

shade in the summer, warm in the winter. that's what I learned in 85 as a kid


Good movie

Joe Hunter

Classic 🎬

Maria Yasa

the brain sees what the heart wants it to feel

Colt Loyed

that poor car

hitlerdid nothingwrong

saw this when I was 12