She's Out of My League - 2010
If he starts dating Molly, insecure airport security broker Kirk can not imagine it. As his friends and family share their doubts in regards to the relationship Kirk does all they can in order to prevent losing Molly.

John Doner

everyone is different and has their own opinions that's why there's no such thing as a 10, everyone is a 10 to different people but there's no base requirements for a 10, some people think the bigger breasts or ass makes a 10 others think that D are perfect, me small are the perf

John Doner

I would love to know how does stainers brain work to figure that kirk is a 5, where does he start out the base number to figure he's a 5, 10 should be where you start and then each thing that's wrong then remove 1 point, kirk would be an 8, the car and a little out of shape, but

John Doner

there's one more thing that makes this movie stupid too, kirk listens to stainer about that he's a 5 and you can't jump 2 points and that kirk and Molly doesn't fit, but the made up rules came from stainers brain which isn't true at all, and because it was patty that told kirk

John Doner

I love this movie, it's fun and cute and a happy ending movie but there's a few problems with it too like that rating system it doesn't make sense, but kirk is in her league because it's what you see in every couple, taller guy short girl, and like Devon said it right, because

John Doner

Molly was into him then that's not something that can be denied sense it came from Molly herself and not from Kirk's head, he didn't make it up, it's true coming from the woman, but no one on here mentions that, and kirk should have knew that if Molly likes me then the crap

christopher hughes

Are we not going to talk about the fact that the guys first reaction to meeting her dog was to square up instead of running?

Kelley A

This movie is so hilarious and fun! One of my absolute favorites!

John Doner

size, but beauty's in the eye of the beholder, to each person the idea of a 10 is different and kirk is a perfect match for Molly so the title doesn't match the movie, but great movie

John Doner

stainer is jealous, because he thinks he's better looking than kirk, he says he's a 7 and kirk is a 5, no try the other way around

Kirby Davis

raw doggin some randoms but double baggin

John Doner

he does have abs and arm muscles, just pecks, is the only thing he is missing

John Doner

the beast was rich he had a castle and servents and he was a prince

John Doner

stainer says is wrong

Jonathan Nieves

this movie is dope af