Shrooms - 2007
A group of adolescents that are American comes Ireland and an Irish school friend who chooses them on a camping trip searching for the fabled mushrooms to pay a go to to with. In the event the hallucinations start taking hold, the friends are assaulted by creatures that are ghostly. Never able to learn whether they truly have been currently experiencing gruesome reality or delirium that is startling.


super this has a low rating! this movie was good and there were a few twists in it and scary parts!! must watch. hidden gem forsure 7/10 ⭐


I love doing shrooms, how this movie got a bad rating is beyond me, it truly dabbles in the truth of psychodelics, I've had visions of things that have actually played out and I've seen things were probably not meant to see, in moderation mushrooms can be very useful, anyone who

Craig Dias

love watching this movie sipping that trehouse magic mushroom syrup with a 5g mamadose punishment envy macrodose barsπŸ’ŠπŸΌπŸ‡πŸ₯€πŸ¬πŸ«πŸ„πŸ«


did they really say that skinny dude is on steroids

skinny Deluxe

I thought it was dope I give it a5.5

Michael Misuraca
