Sicario - 2015
An idealistic FBI broker is appreciated by a government task force to help with the escalating war against drugs at the border area between the U.S. and Mexico.
alexandra Cadena
Kate was getting on my nerves...I dnt Condon violence but yea it was a good movie..part 2 is just as good ..I cnt wait for part 3..
Alex Espana cruz
if you guys think this movie is good watch 13 hours: secret soldiers of Benghazi
John Pork
damn when he killed the leaders wife and kids that shit was cold
Scott Morton
naive people like that get people killed especially stupid naive women like that
Ms.Butterfly “LoSt SoUL” Turner
good fuking movie loved it
Scott Morton
that's why most women are useless in the military because they go off their emotions
Juan Parrilla
Very good movie although the woman was getting onnmy nerves.
Allen Engel
Almost got kid napped by one claiming they were a detox/recovery home called into action thanks to my Amazing man I looked further into it in Houston Texas and sure enough he saved my life thank God I wasn't being my usual hard headed self .
Pat Watson
every movie has a woman trying to mess stuff up,( OMG don't do this don't do that) just like real life.Just set your taco in the chair stay out of the way and let men do men stuff,if We need a sandwich or feel like arguing we will call
easy guys it's just a movie, if she made you mad that's dam good acting, in fact it's good to see a woman with some morals cause most would sell you down the river in a heartbeat, especially for $
John Dryden
Old Kate and her bullshit about ruined the movie for me..Volunteers and then questions literally EVERYTHING..Write her out of the next one..
Dale Little Bear
love it, I think they should make more movies like this one.
Diane Borglund
yeah... I wouldn't have put up with her shit. they needed Diane Kruger. other than that : f fabulous
Ernest Morua
"just let it happen baby, just let it happen "damn some of the coldest words spoken
Pat Watson
that Kate typical female making drama, Should have shot her, women should be seen not heard.
Ernest Morua
lol the way Alejandro gets in that guys gave with his junk all up in there,intimidating
Javier Lara
BADASS movie and can't wait for part 😁
Scott Morton
bitch doesn't know how to shut up I love the end how he almost makes her shit her pants
Jesse Grenamyer
this is how the world turns now days....
Tia Clark
she be ruin everything with her obvious emotions
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