Signs - 2002
A family living in a farm finds mysterious crop circles in their fields which suggests something more frightening in the future.

Lauren Brennan

I used to be scared of this movie when I was little. Now that I'm an adult, i love this movie. The music makes the movie so much better.


the new theory is that they aren't aliens they are demons. that's why they can't deal with doors and holy water that was blessed from both Burns their skin.

Lauren Brennan

I can't believe the director acted in this movie. He's an amazing actor.

Jon Smith

this guy has the best fucked up movies ever his new 1 knock at the cabin will blow ur mind

William Rogers

awesome moive! Thank God for us that they are loving beings. Cause they can walk through s and they can wipe us out in seconds if they wanted. Finally, everyone will know this truth in 2027

Tony Foster

If you like signs that release signals that give a tune you can sing too, ya it's a good movie

Tony Foster

air can release energy so powerful and some time's silently ,if you are fortunate to witness it form you have truly seen air in space

Lauren Brennan

This movie helped me get over my night mares

Lauren Brennan

If you really think about it Bo is the one that saved her family.


i have seen this movie atleast 800 times

Jayden Gilmore

did you know that the voice of bus from toy stories is in this.I bet you didn't.

Caitlin Trinidad

I started crackin up when they were running around the house

iwas legend

who leaves their dog outside ???..what a bunch of A-Holes.

Ernest Morua

they look like some hersey kisses πŸ’‹

Marlina Floyd

Great movie, I've not seen it since it came out.


this is my top five alien movies πŸ›ΈπŸ‘½

David Tucker

what a masterpiece

leg. endaryphoenix

this is my movie

Raelynn Heart
