Sly - 2023
His love of film began as an escape from a rocky childhood. From underdog to Hollywood legend, Sylvester Stallone tells his story in this documentary.

Teresa Keene

I've recently found out through! that I'm not American Indian and Irish. I'm actually Italian and Irish! I totally relate to this whole story I've been treated very much the same in my life and I want to make a change no matter what my age is now! can you help me!

Vincent Williams

I really liked this and Sly is bye far one of my favorite actors ever and he really made great movies and set the bar and inspired a new generation of actors

J Rivera (J1NX)

if u think about it, Sly has created 4 franchises! 1. Rocky 2. Rambo 3. Expendables & 4. Escape Plan. all were 4 movies or more long wow

Albert Johnson

hit home with me, I had a little adjustment to do..from 🥊 Rocky to Creed #2 takin love this man, God bless him!!!! 💯


i feel what he's saying about time time goes so fast and you think you got all the time in the world and all the youth to do what you need to do and all of a sudden you and your 40s 50s and you're like what happened i totally feel him on this

Teresa Keene

absolutely right A lot of people been overlooked I am one of them! thank you for even saying that I love you for that!

Teresa Keene

I love Sly he's Awesome in so many ways! But from watching this so far, I feel he would have loved being a firefighter!

Teresa Keene

No your brother wasn't the problem! Your Father was!

Teresa Keene

Your father was wrong for doing that to you!!!!


personally I think his best role was "Lord's of Fl

Joe Corso

yes I am now join your friends on the bridge

Kalif Bess

racist smuck

Teresa Keene

Good for you!

