Snakes on a Plane - 2006
America is on the Hunt to Find the murderer Eddie Kim. Sean Jones should fly to L.A. to testify in a hearing against Kim. Accompanied by FBI agent Neville Flynn, the flight receives some unexpected visitors.
Scot “scotty” Charron
I know this movie was underrated I thought it was awesome,so remember that when someone comments trash
Tammy Hill
love this movie
Stephanie Robertson
best snake movie ever
Fred Jackson
this is a good movie and a great animations
Charles Morrison
one of Samuel L. best flicks. Not to mention,best lines. I'm
one of Samuel L best flicks and best lines.
I hate snakes. I will NEVER watch this movie again. lol
Cody Payne (XxcodyxX)
I'm 25 and this was the first time i watched this
this movie Kicks the moves who do all of yall
awesome snakes movie ever, I love this movie!
sherell Eudy
I love this movie
Cortez Nevilles
one of the greatest Samuel L Jackson movies ever
Mikel Drayton
45:54 got me tearing up
Lakesha Smith
great movie
David Williams
great movie..was up movie heads
Mason Pauls
hi mason Paul's
Jimy Deaton
dam good movie
Carlos Nunez
cool movie
Jason Akbar
kick ass
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