Sniper: G.R.I.T. - Global Response & Intelligence Team - 2023
When an international terrorist cult threatens global political stability and kidnaps a fellow agent, Ace Sniper Brandon Beckett and the newly-formed Global Response & Intelligence Team – or G.R.I.T. – led by Colonel Stone must travel across the world to Malta, infiltrate the cult, and take out its leader to free Lady Death and stop the global threat.

Terrill Walker

this movie sucks. but I start to watch. had to finish. So many like for real. he shooting a rifle through bars I'm talking bout spraying nothing came back. and how they hiding ao close and they didn't see them look up u see them

Justin Drake

I have not watched it yet but looking at that cover I am confused how it does not say comedy

Douglas Adair

Haven't seen The All-State insurance guy for years. The camera work was good, the scenery was good. Considering it being one of those bang bang shot em up productions it was entertaining more so than the state of affairs under the fucked up democratic morons

Gary Sexton

Wow how could they turn a good movie bad??? All this is wrong for the Sniper series... Plus the acting sucks!!!

francisco mairena

this guys used the cartoons weapons the bullets never ended

Terrill Walker

this movie is for u ain't nothing to do or see.

Mohamed Libaan

this is way I like they cast old actor to do that action



Bryan Slackta

not much snipering for a sniper movie

tanya harris

quit tripn I love all the snipers

Afra Daghighian

This movie was too weird for me.

Gary Sexton

This director needs fired...

good times hemet ig

so bad is good