Snowpiercer - 2013
In a future where a failed experiment that is global-warming kills off most life on Earth, aclass system evolves aboard the Snowpiercer , a train which travels around the globe using a perpetual motion engine.

Jason Webb

Suffering for 18yrs!!! Well I can't say I've been suffering that long, only 15yrs now. If I didn't have children, I'd much rather death. Pain is the leading cause of suicide, whether it be emotional or physical. My pain is from breaking my back in 3 places. Good luck to us all.

angela Taylor

So a YouTuber suggests this movie, so far so good 👌. Her YouTube name is #watchwoman65 Lisa

zachary mueller

ok why can't some people literally never die like that crash should of killed everyone plus why can they walk outside makes no sense


I even loved the part when his gross lover dies or I think they were


if only this happened in real life it would be beautiful

Captain Marvel

I'm about 20 mins in and not impressed

Big E

Excellent movie 🎦

Troy Boy

he said what his he doing he is high as a kite

Corrie Hunter

that polar bear about to eat their ass