Spaceman - 2024
During a research mission, an astronaut discovers that his marriage is in trouble. Luckily, he has the help of a mysterious creature hidden in his ship.

Terri Gooding

I'm sorry but this is dark and boring. to make these movies where I guess it's meant to dive into ur unconscious is basically I miss. I love Adam Sandler but u can't have a hit everytime.

Dean Holland jr

if you think this was a bad movie your just not there mentally spiritually don't knock what you don't understand

David Tucker

I'm sorry but this is a very impactful movie. I loved the shit out of it. best Adam Sandler movie iv ever seen.

Robert Parker

this movie was deep as fuck you need to understand what's like to destroy something you love and see that you did to understand this movie I loved it


I guess I am not used to Adam doing serious type rolls, I just don't think he is a serious type of roll guy,I am so used to him doing comedy's,but none the less I have never missed one of his movies can't wait for the next comedy he puts out,i will look forward to it


Well I HATED this Movie!! OMG,Talk about a Stupid ,Dull,Drull & Very BORING MOVIE!!What "Skinny Human"Thought this was a DEEP , Meaningful Movie? Total GARBAGE!! I Wasted TIME waiting for this to get Interesting..Adam Sandler U Have acting Chops but this Script was JUNK!!

Eugene Freeman

People fill their heads with noise, But once alone your only left with their thoughts. and reality. guilt,, regret,, loneliness, exctra.. GOOD MOVIE..


You have to have had a near death experience to fully understand this movie or on some kind of psychedelic mushroom trip. What a great movie

Russell Wiley

just shows u that the simple things right in front of you are so much more important then the things u think u need and want or accomplish. If u have love true love then you are rich and need nothing


honestly it is a deep movie that was worth watching. it reminds me to always appreciate things we may start to take for granted in our lives. The things that really matter. great flick

Jonathan Cantu

great movie only for the intellectual

Jeronomo Johnson

I agree it's different but this is the first love story I've seen him not be funny in I loved it. I give it a 10.


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Brian Buccina

Sandler in a so called SI-FI film that isn't a comedy ??? Now that's funny. This is yet another example of the low quality films that are coming out of Hollywood. Are there no script writers out there that can produce a decent film - with a somewhat intelligent storyline??? So sa

Jeris Reed

I'm used to him being funny making comedy cds and Saturday night live and all his comical movies where all used too saw this for the first time today I don't know how to feel or what to say sometimes people have to move in different directions do different things but hey

Sandy Fisher

oh my gosh I thought that was Adam Sandler! even though he looks super old you can still tell it was him this is the first time I ever seen him play in a movie like this

Rodney Armstrong

it would have been better if they would have killed his wife and told him she fell down a flight of stairs than tell him she was leaving. lol. this is truly the stickiest movie Adam Sandler has ever made. Hollywood is a joke these days.

Rich Warren

The opposite of Happy Gilmore, Adam Sandler proves his range. This movie is either the movie you watch after mushrooms or the movie you make after mushrooms. And a heartbreak. Definitely dark and different.

Paul LaRussa

weird movie, I've watched thousands of movies & rarely do I find weird ones that make little sense but this is one, I do like watching comedians play serious roles so I at least give this too Adam..


yall this movie is informational and goes very deep into being alone. highly recommended to watch