Spawn - 1997
After being murdered by tainted colleagues in a covert government agency, Al Simmons makes a pact with the devil to be resurrected to watch his wife Wanda. In exchange for his return to Earth, Simmons agrees to lead Hell's Army in the destruction of humanity.

Glenn Carver-seabrook

quite possibly the best comic not put out by DC or Marvel, definitely at least top five

Judah Ben Israel

Why the hell they change Terry to an edomite? they just have to find ways to push their agenda

joker clouds

good CGI on most things except for when their in hell and the devil but to be fair it is from 97. Still pretty bad ass

James O'Connell (ZombieVirus101)

Spawn is very good movie i give it a 7 rating

Simon Peter Davies

I've loved this movie since I 1st soar it in the 90's


grate movie I wish they would make a newer version other than that one of my favorite.

Felix Austin

they should make a she-spawn movie to fight spawn. but she would be the woman Priest he killed

Glenn Carver-seabrook

Spawn deserves a franchise


whoever re-edited this movie really cut the balls off the original film

Mike Brizendine

Dope, Although we need a remake...

Sidney Martinez

love you too spine and the Creator of spa I wish you do it again

Sanchez Sutton

spawn in warzone 2

Cedric Tucker

Loved it

Brian Mccloskey

ur fiance check 1 billion dollars

Clint Manning

I love spawn

Sean Corcoran
