Speak - 2004
Freshman highschool student Melinda has denied to speak since she called the cops on a summer party. With her parents too busy to notice her issues, and her friends to be a rat snubbing her, she rebounds to herself trying to cover up her secret: that senior Andy that is celebrity raped her . But Melinda will manage to discover solace in her art class led by Mr. Freeman.


An amazing movie, but they skipped over a lot of stuff in the books that are important. Her parents suck in n the books especially her mom, the closest is her only real safe place, Dave and Mr. Neck had so many issues that lawyers were involved, Mr. Freeman was way more (1/2)

Terrika Gibson

this movie is so encouraging n inspirational. i went silent for so long. and felt exactly how she did. extremely alone..


the movie skips a lot of important details, like for example.. when she was. in the closet she cut herself.

Kenny Webster

I recommend this movie to anyone who has been through something like this you're not alone

Emily Williams

o look she can smile and somewhat act. they really need to recast Bella in the Twilight saga.

Adriana Derival

amazing movie but sad

amy siders

Idk how I missed knowing this movie existed but I do find several Jems while looking for something else. So I'm going have to watch this!


this movie is a really good one and that made me have hope..that one day I'll be able to tell someone my stories..I love this movie<3

Steven Aguilar

ok movie but they skipped so much stuff in the book and they moved so fast on some scenes

Charley Baugh

I love Kristen Stewart

Charley Baugh

great movie she played the role so good 👍 👏

aliza bemman

amazing movie


omg it's chuck bass's dad