Spiderhead - 2022
A prisoner in a state-of-the-art penitentiary begins to question the purpose of the emotion-controlling drugs he's testing for a pharmaceutical genius.


Good Movie really, I won't do any spoilers, just give it a go as I did, I was not disappointed with the ending, I did expect more scenarios to be played out, however, imagine the Movie; Limitless, that's along the lines of the way the elements of the plot play out.


Two guys sitting there watching people have sex. Totally disgusting. I let the first one pass hoping there would be some kind of interesting story, but then it happened again. Why would I want to watch this?If you're put off by unnecessary sex scenes in movies like I am, then you'll want to give this one a miss.


I suppose Chris Hemsworth can afford to do at least one bad movie....and this is it. An absolutely nothing story about drug trials. Could have been something great but it's like The Island if Dr Morrow with less horror....apart from the movie itself. Don't bother with this stinker!


its a great movie very interesting just pay close attention and this is what the pharmaceutical companies are doing...We need to wake up


It is just plain boring and predictable, nothing interesting or smart. Not a thriller, not an action movie, wont show you anything interesting or make you question anything or even entertain you for a second. It's just not worth your time. Could have been better I guess but who cares.


What's wrong with this picture? Seriously - I fell asleep twice while watching it at home. Yes, I went back to the parts that were familiar and started over.I think I know what it wanted to be, but it never quite got there.At least I had two good naps.


At least this wasn't another woke piece of trash like most of the content Netflix has been producing, but the plot was so weak I couldn't give it more stars. Chris is awesome, and Miles did a great job, but the plot was worthless.


Well it felt more like BlackMirror's episode, conceptually... along with emotional attached stories.This could surely have a better plot/ storyline/ screenplay.Yet again appreciate the effort because that surely matters.


Absolutely horrible. But I will say if they came up with a drug to control people. The first people in line would be liberals. It says I have to add more information so I'll just say again PLEASE don't waste your time.


A very anticlimactic and boring movie that had a brief twist that barely raised an eyebrow. Acting was decent but the storyline wasn't compelling. The characters lacked chemistry and didn't invoke empathy.


I gave up like halfway through. The writing is bad. The acting is bad. The plot is bad. Literally can't think of something nice to say. What a waste of a decent concept 👎�👎�


Really disappointing bore fest. Waited forever for it to get going, it never did. Neither action packed nor cerebral. Some good performances by the cast but they couldn't even make it interesting. Poor.


Started off great, but was dragged. Felt like there was literally 0 character development. Just a different black mirror episode to me. I must say, Chris Hemsworths American accent is impressive though.


They added sexual content to make it appealing for at least 10 seconds but my goodness this was painful to watch. How could they manage to get good actors to even film this??


Easy watching, thought provoking and a creates a mixture of feelings through the film.No real questions left unanswered. I wish Steve and lizzy all the best.


I liked it. I thought it had a very intriguing story line. Stay with it. The ending is awesome!


another cheap crappy generic movie.. bunch of kooks

John Toohey

no that wasn't one of his best


this was a good movie