Spotlight - 2015
Back in 2001, editor Marty Baron of this Boston Globe assigns a group of supporters to investigate allegations against John Geoghan, an unfrocked priest accused of molesting over 80 boys. Directed by editor Walter"Robby" Robinson, reporters Michael Rezendes, Matt Carroll and Sacha Pfeiffer interview victims and make an effort to unseal sensitive records. The reporters make it their mission to provide proof a cover-up of sexual abuse.

Jose Woody

wow I hate the Catholic Church crumped they killed Jesus for the Jews... religion is just a really touchy subject if there's only one God why are there so many religions

Jeffery Scherrer

The only thing needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Catholic church has been, is now, and will always be a beacon for darkness, corruption and perversion.

Taz5 Jones

religion is tool to brainwash the masses capitalize off the poor this movie is deep just think about what they were doing before ppl caught wind of their wind crimes


The. Catholic Church covers up so much when comes to molestation, no one even speaks about what the church covered up when it comes to the nuns who were under these perverted priests. Yes the Catholic church is guilty, for not prosecuting these men.

Crista Mckinnon

Jesus never once mentioned abstinence for life. priests should never have been denied marriage. Jesus did say ( Don't make a religion out of me) will not work

Mishandled Biohazard

is this the movie where the parents allowed the church to diddle their kids at asylums or "camps" until the camps were found out by an outside source?

Patricia Layne

The Bible speaks of false religion, Jesus Christ said you will know his followers by the love they show...

Andrea Milner

Brilliant movie

Mike Dunne

Because the Catholic laws were too strict for some. Jesus created the Catholic Church.


there is only one true religion and that is Catholic

Scott “Rambo537” Scott

I don't know if I should thank GOD for h3ll that might be to good for them!

Big E

really good movie 🎦

James Ellerby
