Star Trek - 2009
The galaxy's fate rests in the control of competitions. James Kirk, one, can be really a delinquent, thrill-seeking Iowa farmboy. The different, a Vulcan, Spock, has been increased. Their highly effective although improbable venture is the one thing capable of leading their team boldly going where nobody has ever gone before. The experience has begun .

Doug Condie

Star Trek The Original Series. Star Trek The Motion Picture 1 -6 Staring William Shatner as Captain Kirk is for ever going to be the first , best , for ever.

Jypzi Love

The casting was perfect. Everybody gave an excellent performance as their older counterparts. BRAVO!!! especially Dr. "Bones" McCoy. The coming together, great storyline, the old Spock meeting the new. I loved this movie. I am & shall always be an OST faithful fan, my generation.

Vernon Winston

OOKKAAY. Remember the "Ford Pinto".."YUGO"...STARSHIP ENTERPRISE ? Driven by "James Tiberius Kirk ". Well. My friends & "eye", FOUND THAT SAME STARSHIP SITTIN' ON CINDER BLOCKS IN DA' ALLEY DAT' starfleet crew GOT ROBBED ! I don' like dis' "ENTERPRISE". NOPE. I don't. [009

Anthony Jackson

The cast and storyline are spot on... Grateful that Gene Roddenberry's vision lives!

Lydia Dreher

lm not sure how the actors were chosen but "Perfect".

Charles S

I was 3 years old when the first Star Trek came out

Charles Morrison

I agree . Not too bad for the new kid on the block.

Dan Curtis

I have been a trekie since it first came out. and of all the movies and series. I must say though SNW is my favorite series. and these are my favs movies. waiting with much anticipation for the next movie and series

Rich Duenas

"damnit man I'm a doctor, not a physicist" I don't know why I haven't seen this movie sooner but I'm glad I finally did, going to watch the next 2 after this

Kurt S

Itwas not a test it was an exercise. They shouldn't have called it a tesr.

Bryan Penate

Star Trek is one of the best movies I like and I give it a 100

Rich Duenas

i finally watched all 3 of these movies and I gotta admit all 3 of them were excellent, great job

Stan Shoemaker

I like this one.

Billy Prophet

love it dude

Janet Johnson

i cryed the first 5 min lol

Rich Duenas

a lot of good actors in this movie

Merle Richards


D Underwood

Not James