Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones - 2002
After an assassination attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala, Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi explore a mysterious plot that could alter the galaxy forever.

Steven McGee

i just figured out that the real menace to the republic was not the emperor it was HER the senator that bumped sheets with Anakin Skywalker cos listening to her drone on and on about her knuckleheaded nonsense she spews in unending crap i would have joined the darkside too.

Mack Ainsworth

If anyone was actually paying attention to the movies that we see that the breaking point for anakin was his mother's death. That's what caused him to turn to the dark side. That's when the darkness started that's why he became vader

Jesse Jamison

obi wan:"what do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?" Darth Vader:(Crushes obi wan with giant rock pillars and tries to kill him)

Alex Merritt

with two lightsabers count duku wouldnt have stood a chance against me

Fabian Alexander

I'm thankful for this Anakin having nightmares and it leading up to the most powerful villain in the next few star wars movies


if he would have just taken the keys to the car and the Jedi would have come across the galaxy to rescue obi-wan and she wouldn't have continued his corruption into the dark side and she is was the main reason for all of the mayhem


I went to the movie theater to watch this with my dad and brother back in the day where does time go ☹️

Glenn Carver-seabrook

I grew up watching Christopher Lee in the Hammer horror movies, it's just too bad his character is only there to transition between Darth Maul and Darth Vader.


when Yoda looks a Palpatine like he can tell something is off but he can't tell what because he said the dark side is clouding thier force vision in the future or to tell what's going on around them.

Glenn Carver-seabrook

The best part of this movie is we finally got to see Yoda fight.

Vinny Ak

also by the way when the clone trooper said there was no more ammo fun following count dooku there was actually you look really closely the reason why they didn't shoot is because of he's The apprentice of the leader mistake that Ludacris Brothers forgot to output


she is a real bitch belittling him in front of everyone and making him feel small like he is worthless to her brilliance and a snob and she is always fluanting her position of power of her position

Jesse Jamison

it sounds like whoever erased the archives went to Great lakes to cover up the fact that the Republic was going to have an army for a good reason and we all know who that was at least most of us do I do


she corrupted him he broke the rules with sleeping with her and getting her pregnant and then he broke the rules and killed all the Sand people and she was a corrupting influence on the whole series

June Angel

from queen 👑 to senator? this is butt sex!

Elijah Nesbitt

don't know why so many people hate on CGI it's great look at how Yoda moves around much better than that pulpit stuff in 4,5,6

William Castillo II

yoda got skills

Rich Duenas

smh ,why did they bring back Jar jar Binks for, he is the most annoying character in the Star Wars universe

cain olejko

I love how that you have Master windu and master Yoda

Dustin God

Bro Ani is so so so lovestruck and decides to bump the sheets with the senator