Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - 2005
The evil Darth Sidious enacts his last arrange for power -- and also the epic Jedi Anakin Skywalker has to select a side.
this is my favorite one because you get to witness Anakin becoming evil after being deceived by palpatine that he would be able to keep padme alive, palpatine pulled the wool over his eyes that the Jedi would overthrow him for complete power.
Jesse Jamison
if Anakin remained in the council chambers while Master windu arrested the chancellor, Anakin would have been granted the rank of Master and he would have discovered the secret to save his wife padame... everything would have worked out just fine.
roses are red, violets are blue, "YOU WERE MY BROTHER ANAKIN! I LOVED YOU!!
I like how they drop the saddest thing to happen in the series and then they hype u for the main trilogy
Glenn Carver-seabrook
George Lucas always saw Anakin/Darth Vader as a tragic figure, not a villain. The prequels help the audience see him as George saw him.
Archie LaMarr
If palpitine had not killed panakin would have been a lot easier to return to the force of good instead of being Darth Vader but becadoes palpatine had killed padmae using the force he used Anikins guilt against him
Archie LaMarr
the first 6 movies are the only real story of Star Wars the last 3 don't even count as Star War's
Glenn Carver-seabrook
As soon as she told Anakin she was pregnant, they should have just left it all behind together.
Tammy DeBoard
He really doesn't know she is dead till after he becomes Darth Vader. I think it was always in him to be evil till he met his son.
Glenn Carver-seabrook
All in all, I liked General Grievous. But, how does a Droid have asthma?
damn at least Anakin got to do a lot of things,from repairing to building and racing and have a love life. Luke got sh#$ out of luck in a desert while his sister got to live the good life lol
Obi-Wan:"It's over Anakin, I have the high ground!"
Anakin:"you underestimate my power!"
Obi-Wan:"dont try it."
Obi-Wan:*cuts his legs off* " I said don't try it"
Alex Merritt
if you look carefully looks like the jedis was the evil people they was killing people that was trying to run away
Zero_Lazyeye Gaming
The Senator is constantly accompanied by a vampire and the devil... 🦇 👿
Steven Mangham
still find it crazy how from day 1 senator Pallbatine pulled off the whole uncover. goodguy and long con to make clones and rule Republic into Empire
I love the visual depth of these movies the backgrounds are so beautiful and stunning
Jesse Jamison
things would have turned out differently if Anakin listened to master Windu and stayed in the council chambers.
David Cole Jr
By far the best one in my opion
David Dee
Love this movie give it a thumbs up
Villager #87
definitely superior compared to Disney wars 🤮
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