Star Wars: The Clone Wars - 2008
Set between Episode II and III the Clone Wars is the first computer. Anakin and Obi Wan must find out who kidnapped Jabba the Hutts kid and return him. The Seperatists will attempt anything ruin any possibility of a diplomatic arrangement involving the Republic and the Hutt's to avoid them.
Miguel Quarles
I miss this show so much
Connor The Time Lord
I remember going to see this at the movie theater as a kid
it makes sense for them both to act immature and argue a lot. In reality Anakin was only 19 years old roughly. Ahsoka was around 13-14, neither of them were actual adults yet when he first started training her
Dianne l
welcome To the United States of America
the movie
Desiree Bickett-Smith
I thought this was gonna be real life like the others.
Dianne l
Welcome to Atlantic fleet the battleship wars
William Goines
I love star wars the clone wars
Mario Cruz
Such an incredible movie. I also really miss this.
Dianne l
we need the strike witches
Dianne l
strike witches sergeant shizuka hattori
Dianne l
Dianne l
on aboard the resolute
Dianne l
welcome to star wars the clone wars
Dianne l
yoshika you and others follow me
Dianne l
welcome to
Dianne l
Dianne l
on ahborn the resolute
Dianne l
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