Stir Crazy - 1980
New Yorkers, Skip Donahue and Harry Monroe have no jobs and no prospects, therefore they decide to flee the city and find work elsewhere, landing tasks wearing woodpecker costumes to foster a bank's launching card. When their feathery costumes are stolen and used in a bank robbery, they no more have to worry about employment.

Shawn Humphreys

I love this dad rented it yrs ago, back in the early 80's. We lived in Baton Rouge, LA at the time. just me and my dad. I always had fun with him.

Shawn Humphreys

Grossburger can sing. I liked that song he sang in the cell. It really harmonized through out the entire cell block. Wish he could've gotten out to. I felt bad because he got stuck in prison. And the others got out.

darrin struddel

does anyone else notice Wilders fuck me eyes toward Pryor. Pryor was a known homosexual didn't know willy Wonka was

Archie Smith

this is comedy at its finest

Ivan Govorko

women in California ain't like that no more they risk their lives just the alternator look now and where quarter pound of makeup


Two of the great's perfected there crafts

Adam Hastings

what a fucking great film Richard Pryor was something special

Wade Clark

Jobeth Williams and Craig T. Nelson would of course one day marry and have a problem with poltergeists

Joseph Bucknor

Gene and Pryor are the best acting dou in history

Rich Duenas

ice cube stole the pliers scene from this movie


I can't find "See no evil, Hear no Evil" I'm so disappointed.

Shiquilla Bell


Saul Guevara

still! , a great movie. still , funny as f***

Wade Clark

I love Gene Wilder trying to get bad

Michael Lee

great movie